En af de mest solide træsorter til pileskafter er asketræ. Skafterne er tungere end fyr. birk og poppel. Men skydes der med disse skafter fra en bue som er kraftig nok - slår de voldsomt hårdt når de rammer.

Ascham skriver i sin bog Toxophilus fra 1545:

Tox: Yet, as concerning sheaf arrows for war ( as I suppose ) it were better to make them of good ash, and not op asp, as they be now-a-days. For of all orther woods that ever I proved, ash being big is swiftest, and again heavy to give a great stripe withal, which asp shall not do. ( Modern Longbow Design & Toxophilus. S 140 )

42,00 DKK

Håndlavet asketræs skafter 1/2

42,00 DKK

Håndlavet asketræs skafter 13/32

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